Friday, June 25, 2010


is so confusing sometimes. Why must everything, EVERYTHING, be so difficult? But what would life be if it was easy? Sometimes I feel like I just need a break. I stress out over everything way too much. I honestly cant help it. Ive tried so hard to. I dont like being an in between age, teenager and adult, Life is so hard because you dont know if you should still act like a kid or if you should act like an adult. Its exactly like when you are 12 except more grown up. Anyway, who decided that everyone should follow society's decisions? I want to know who said that society is always right? I think its about as theoretical as anything else in this world. I want to be able to do things without someone always telling me that its wrong or weird. It makes me angry and frustrated. Something else, I like to figure out what wrong and right for myself. Dont be like I told you so, just be there for me if I need someone to talk to. This is why Im not like that to other people, or I try not to be because I know how it feels and I know that people dont listen to my advice and I usually dont listen to other people. Well I listen I just dont do anything about it because I just like to find things out myself. Another thing I feel like I suffer from is depression. Not like serious depression but like I dont really enjoy anything anymore. Its like life is wearing out and Im growing bored with it. I feel like I will never progress to become something more than what I am now. I just realized out of all of my friends, Im the least talented. Its like I was born talentless. I was born weird and talentless, not the kind of person people really wanna be around. Im also really boring, unhappy and anxious all the time. I feel like people dont ever wanna be around me and thats why my friends never talk to me. Maybe that is the case or maybe I worry way too much :P I also feel like I am pushing people out of my life because I feel im not worth their time anymore. Oh well, Im going to start working on my independence from now on. Goodnight.


Joseph said...

Aww, don't be so hard on yourself Tori. Think happy thoughts!

Joseph said...

And yes, life can be very difficult and confusing at times. (trust me I know lol) but just remember that God will never let there be anything to big for you to handle with Him. Just keep praying and Lordwilling you'll be doing better in no time!