Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Reasons why?

I chose my major:
There are several things I can factor into as in why I chose my major. Many thoughts are popping into my head at the moment. I guess we can begin at the beginning?
I had trouble choosing a college. It was between pretty much any Texas college you can picture in your mind at the moment. On top of that, I had no idea what I wanted to major in. I was dead set on photography for a really long time but when I heard that there isnt really any job security in that profession I immediately wanted to consider something else. My next thought was business. I checked out UNT's business program and I was really considering it. I really enjoyed about learning all the aspects of the business world. It also had good job security and it was a normal profession to go into. My only problem was I lacked the knowledge of high level math skills that I would need. On top of that, I realized that I could not handle working inside a cubical the rest of my life. I needed to be free and around people that were interesting. I kept thinking and thinking. I would think on it for days and days at a time. I would change my mind back and forth. I just couldnt come up with anything. I knew that all I had going for me was music. I really enjoyed every aspect of music. I really didnt know much about it at all. In fact I barely touched the tip of the ice burg in music. And there is a pretty LARGE amount of ice burg underneath the water. Larger than you can imagine. I never really thought much about it either until I actually got to college. Well, deadlines for everything were drawing near and I still had not made up my mind on what to do. I also still hadn't chosen a college. Everything was closing in and I couldnt breathe! I needed to come to a solution QUICK. The next day at school my band director talked to me about my friend Lauren going to TAMU - Commerce to major in Elementary Music Education. It was something I had never heard about in my life before. Or it was something I had never thought much about. Commerce specializes in Elementary Music Ed. When he first introduced me the major I was like, "Psh, I could never teach, Im a terrible teacher!" Then I started to think about it. The more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea of becoming an Elementary School Music Teacher. It was unique and different. Something safe but out of the ordinary. I decided to audition for the School of Music at Commerce as a percussionist. Well, they didnt accept me but I was still determined to get into the program. I decided that Commerce was the school for me, as odd as that sounds. They didnt accept me into the music program. For some reason though, I knew I still had a chance. I was determined to work my butt off my first semester of college and get into the music program. I come to find out, unlike most people that get into the music program, that I really enjoy classes such as Music Theory and all of the core classes. I also come to find out that after 8 years of doing percussion, that it just wasnt my thing. And I still didnt get accepted into the percussion studio! But that didnt get me down, I just found a new passion - Vocal! People said I had talent to be in there. Never had a vocal lesson in my life or ever been in high school choir or anything. I had done church choir and church choir camps which were fun but other than that no training. I am more talented with singing than I am with percussion. I had just found that out at the right time and I feel that I had made the right decision. When I first auditioned for the vocal studio, I had no idea what to expect. I didnt get accepted but they put me on probation which is better than getting turned down completely, thank goodness! I was so glad to have a second chance at the music program. At the end of my second semester when we did our juries, I got accepted on the spot. I have got to say that it was the happiest day of my life! That where I found my true passion in life and its something I really enjoy - MUSIC!

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