Saturday, June 19, 2010

3rd wheel

Im always the third wheel in every friendship. I guess I can honestly say that I dont have a best friend. Maybe I dont need one. I have a bunch of close friends but all my close friends already have best friends. I have also realized that its too hard to have more than one best friend. One friend is always liked more than the other one. I guess this is testing my independence.
Im not much of a fun person to hang out with.
I feel like Im always trying to hard.
I crave attention because Im scared I will lose my friends because once they find out Im not interesting anymore than Im not worth being friends with.
I just end up being annoying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think my daughter feels the same way sometimes. Even I do sometimes (as a 40yr old adult!) it's just our wonderful insecurity showing. I have a "close" friend that NEVER texts me anymore now that she has her boyfriend and other stupid reasons..I have had to let her go..she wasn't that great a friend after all..