Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Today I discovered that I have a lot of morals. My first one I discovered was that I have no interest in gambling. I dont care for it and I dont really care to be around it. I dont mind it and it doesnt really bother me though. I would rather learn how to play poker, roulette, or blackjack or something of that nature. It looks interesting and skillful to a point. My other moral is, I hate being around smoke and I hate being around the smell of smoke that been covered up with some kind of other smell. It feel heavy and it makes me sick to my stomach. Also, last night my mom offered me a taste of liquor to see if it was any good but I refused because I just cant get myself to try it. It just doesnt seem to interest me in any way. Especially when the bottle says its chocolate flavored but its clear liquor. That makes it an even bigger turn off. Now lets get to the main point of this story. We were driving back from Oklahoma and when we got to Mckinney we almost hit this car that came up beside us while merging into one lane. Neither of us could decide which one should go first. We would go forward to get out of their way and they would do the same at the same time so we would stop. This happened a few times. Then they honked at us and then the car behind us started honking at us. We let the car beside us merge in front of us at that point. Then when it changed back to two lanes the car that was behind us gave us the finger and took off. My dad floored it and tried to hit their back end. My mom was all for it at that point also. She rolled down the window and was about to scream what the finger meant, at them. I was sitting there freaking out and telling them that they have lost their minds and to roll the window up and calm down. If you try to fight fire with fire, it will only create a bigger fire and thats what they were trying to do. All I said was the best thing was to do was to ignore them and move on. Nothing you can do. After that my parents were like, "you have way more morals than us." It made me laugh. My next thought was kind of immoral though. I was like "next time have a water gun ready and make it look real that will teach people like those idiots never to give the finger to random people again." That started a whole new conversation about how my family almost got shot by some random crazy guy my mom knew. They had never told me that story as long as I have been alive. I was actually surprised that there had been some kind of action in my family. Too bad I found out that thats the reason they are terrified of guns and disapprove strongly of them. I have been wanting to try target practicing for a while now. I kinda wish my family was still into the crazy scene. Even though the shenanigan that happened tonight kind of made me want to find a rock and hide under it.

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