Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Free Land!

So today during my first government class, we had to create an interesting point between choosing either Free Land or Leader Land. I thought it was a creative idea to get our brains thinking. One side of the room was Free land and the other side was Leader Land. Free Land was pretty much what it meant; no rules, no government or anything. Sums it all up to pure anarchists. Or the other side was pure Socialism. See, Im no where near either of those. If I were to choose I would be almost dead center but slightly to the Free Land side. Now I am definitely not saying that Im anywhere near an anarchist. My pure political belief is that, everyone should be accountable for themselves and make their own decisions, to an extent. Government is good. It creates a sense of fear over other people to keep people in line. But then too much government can create fear for a person to express themselves and soon they just become a number and exactly equal to the person next to you. Its good to have equality to an extent in this world but if we were all purely equal, wouldnt this world be kind of boring? Who wants to live their whole life being told how to dress, how to act, how to think? This is where the anarchy in me comes in. I like trying to figure out life on my own and try to make what I want out of it. It give me a sense of growth and empowerment that life is better than being under a strict set of rules. A lot of people say that pure socialism would be good for the world because then everything would be perfect. Perfect for who? yes, it would be a very safe environment but where is the adventure? The creativity? The color? Some references to this would be The Giver, Tattoo, Uglies, Pretties and the rest of the series or even Farenheit 451...all are very good books about Socialism and I highly recommend. On the other side, with rules and laws, we have a guideline to something we can follow. Rules and laws are something we can abide by to helps us and to keep us safe. Not enough rules and laws will cause chaos and craziness. We would have murderers and killers and rapists out hurting or killing people. We would live in fear of ever leaving our homes. I cant really think of an example at the moment. You think that our Government might fall apart but it wont. We have a pretty strong Government. Not saying they are making the best decisions in the world. Im a pretty strong Republican even though my parents are Democrats. But thats not the point! What Im saying is, we are going to hold on strong no matter how broken we become. We have one of the best government systems you can ask for and we take it all for granted. Yes we are all going through a hard time with money and everything like that. I would write more but if I start on something else now Ill never stop! Well Im hoping to continue liking my government class. it helped inspire my writing.

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