Friday, June 4, 2010

Music and Arts in schools

As a person who is studying music education as an undergrad, the way I see it in the education world is music and arts are a vital importance in a person life. Expressing yourself is one way to grow an expand on your thoughts. People who understand and participate in musical and artistic activities are more likely to be a better person and more widely knowledgeable. It is also believed that if your begin in your early childhood by listening to various types of music or becoming involved with some sort of instrument or drawing or sculpting that you are more likely to grow up being a more well-rounded, knowledgeable person who is able to gather information a lot better. The arts helps you understand subjects such as english and math a whole lot better because of the higher level of thinking music and arts require. If we got rid of our arts programs in america we would be left with uncreativity and a lot of students who want to quit school. On top of that, usually the music and arts programs have the higher educated and more disciplined teachers. At least thats what it was like at my high school and a lot of other high schools around us. If it werent for our music and arts teachers, people wouldnt be able to find out what their life is good for. Isnt that what living in America should be about? Having the opportunity to following your dreams? All teachers want their students to be successful in life and go on to college or get a career of some sort. Without music and arts, there would not be any dreams to find. Think about it. I am a person who strongly believes in supporting the arts program and I will fight to the end to do all I can to support it. Every subject in school is just as important as the other one. I do not believe that one subject more important. Everyone needs them equally to get a quality education. English and math are very vital to this nation but I would say it shouldnt have a lot more emphasis on it causing other subjects to be cut. Just because music and the arts do not equal to objective learning doesnt mean that they are less important. Thats all I have to say. I sent this to someone's blog earlier.

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