Monday, October 11, 2010

Being a guy.

I personally think being a guy would be so much easier. They live to be simple. Now being a woman is the most complicated thing ever. First they gotta deal with always having to look pretty. If they dont look pretty enough, people complain. Women get shot down which takes their self a esteem to a low level and then they MUST look pretty before they go out in public. They HAVE to have their hair nice and they HAVE to wear more than a small amount of make up. If they dont live up to those standards, they are looked down on as 'lazy', 'unkept', 'unattractive'. What happen to natural beauty?? Why must a person feel so insecure about going out into the world unless they have a buttload of makeup on. All makeup does is eventually make your eyes saggy and wrinkly causing you to wear even more make up to cover it up. Am I really that unkept for a lot of people to complain about me constantly?? Seriously? I take a shower, I smell good, I have decent clothes, my hair is not that freakishly awful. Just because I dont wear makeup does not make me ugly. I would rather be able not to wear makeup in public rather than depending on it for the rest of my life. Those are just two of the many things I dont like about being a woman. Living up to the standards of other people through beauty.
Number 3. I hate periods. They are the most God-awful dreaded thing on this planet. I want to get rid of them. Every other woman would probably agree with me on that one. They are pointless and stupid. At least from my perspective.
Number 4 I hate cramps. They are right up there with periods except maybe WORSE! They are just plain painful and miserable. I think I wouldnt mind periods if cramps didnt come with the package.
Number 5 Pregnancy. I dont konw about other people but they last thing I want to happen is to get pregnant. Looks miserable and painful and I dont think I could deal with a child inside of me for nine months. It scares the living daylights out of me! I like children but I still hold firm to adopting. Plus I dont think I want someone looking at my vag. That just creeps me out more than being prego.
Number 6 Pap smears. I think I would rather be prego. I very very very much dread the day I have to go get one. I pick getting 50 shots over getting a pap smear done. I think I will cry the whole time, freak out, or maybe I will be allowed to be drugged up so I dont panic like crazy because I will. Oh, I know I will. I think going to the doctor or dentist is bad enough. Even waiting to get my hair cut makes me panic. Dont know what ill do when that day comes
Number 7 Hair. I want to chop it all off and never deal with it again. Its annying and people complain about the way it looks
Number 8 Sex. I think sex would be super painful and scary. Especially since I have a very bad fear of tampons or just inserting anything in general. All guys have to worry bout is sticking it in right. No pain and all pleasure for them.

These are all reasons that make me wish I were a guy.


dboney said...

Tori, you are a very beautiful young woman, and I don't think you should ever change. :) and I really mean that. :D

Tori said...

I just get sick of being a girl. Its not something I enjoy but its something Im stuck with..

dboney said...

Well if you ever had the chance to see what it was like being a guy, having every girl think that you are going to treat them bad because of other things that have happened in their past, be my guest, I gotta say that is one of the worst parts, because a lady won't trust a guy when she has been hurt before

Tori said...

Its vice versa also...Ive had the same problem...some guys treat me just as bad as girls treat guys...

dboney said...

I doubt that, if guys treat you like that, there is something wrong with them, you are a great girl, and I know you wouldn't hurt anyone.