Monday, October 4, 2010

Im writing these notes because Tiffany's have inspired me to write them.

Well, Ive had quite a few boyfriends and a lot of crushes. Ive never really had a serious relationship with anyone and the closest one I had to a serious one ruined it by cheating, lying, stealing, spreading rumors, and tried to get with my best friends and cousin while we were dating. And while this was happening I was oblivious. After that, my trust in guys diminished almost completely. After that, I felt as though I had to have boyfriends just to keep me from getting depressed. That went on for about 8 months and after being taken advantage of, lied to, ignored, I just gave up on guys. And then guys would do random things to me while I was unconscience (in other words asleep) and it made me scared to sleep in the same room as any guys for the longest time. And the guy I fell hardest for didnt end up so well but I guess we are still pretty good friends. Also just when I thought I had found the right guy, he left and said when he came back we would try again. That never happened. Of course. Dont know why I ever thought it would. I honestly don't know why I even bother to trust guys anymore. Why can't for once I just be good enough for someone, someone that will stick by my side and not leave me in the dust. I know I shouldn't worry about it now, but it would be nice not to be ignored, taken advantage of, ect. I just felt like throwing all of this out there. Why do most guys have to ruin it for the good ones? Because now I can't really trust any guys because of most of the guys in my past.

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