Sunday, May 23, 2010

I need.

I need to keep this blog updated. I have had it for almost two years already but I almost forgot it existed til only about two months ago and I promised myself I would eventually get back to it one day.

Well I guess I will use this blog to use for my summer adventures and whatnot. My other blog is going to be for my poetry and story writing because Im guessing people would rather read that rather than what I have to talk about.

From the time I left Commerce, I thought this summer was going to be long, drawn out, and dreadful. I even spent the last few nights at Commerce almost going into depression because of just everything going downhill. I didnt want to let anyone know how I was feeling because there was no point in spoiling people's moods with my own. One thing I hate doing is saying goodbye. I am the type of person to just break down on the spot but I hide it well. Not once did I cry as I was getting ready to depart from all of my new friends that I had made this past year. Its a new record for me. I can say the time I started my elementary years until the time I graduated high school, I would always get extremely sad when it came to moving to the next level. This year, I didnt become sad until three days ago. Its been over a week since Ive been home. Ive been keeping myself really busy the past few days. I have been extremely active for the most part. The most lazy thing I have done was sit in bed and read for exactly 12 hours. I made sure I was going to finish the book, Tricks, in one day and I have got to say, it was one of the best books I have ever read. I would highly recommend it to someone looking for a really good book to read. Maybe its just that I am really into books about drug addictions or prostitution. I like to read and understand about it and the perception of how people feel when they are becoming addicted or overcoming addiction. I need to search through my other books to find something else to read while I still have time.

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