Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Busy busy busy

I have not even thought about writing a new blog lately. I have been so busy! Right now I should really go to sleep but I want to blog about college a little bit. Well so far, its going pretty good. Im taking just about 10 classes and only 17 hours. My classes keep me extremely busy. I am really enjoying everything...well, I enjoy my music classes a lot. I hope taking this many hours that I end up passing all my classes. I fee like I could work just a little bit harder though. I need to get away from the lazy feelings that take over sometimes. Other than that, I really dont know what else to really say. My mind is a little dead at the moment and Im not very good at thinking.


Anonymous said...

gracious girl 17 hours and 10 classes it a LOT!

Tori said...

yeahhhhh haha