Thursday, September 2, 2010


Im not sure if anyone actually reads my blog anymore or whatever but I just wanted to update it. So about the guy that I liked at the end of last semester. Well, I still really like him which is kinda odd to keep liking guys, for me. I dont think he likes me anymore. At the end of last semester he said he liked me and that we would pick things back up once we got back, ect. Well as I suspected, that never happened. In a way Im still pretty sad about it. In fact it kinda tells me that even the most honest guys wont stay true to their word. It even makes me think, its not worth bothering with anymore but I wish there was someone that understands all of this and can help me with this situation. I feel like I should move on but something is holding me back. Im not sure what though. Something is keeping me from not thinking about it a lot. I just want to talk to someone about it. Its bursting out of me. I mainly want to talk to him about it...Im not sure. I would have to talk to the right person to find out.


Anonymous said...

well it's always been my observation..(about boys) that if they are interested..come hell or HIGH WATER..they will make it happen. If they aren't..they stall, leave you hanging, and generally act like jerks cause they probably don't want to hurt your feelings. Guys are soooo predictable sometimes..if you are not interested, keep busy with other things, IGNORE them, enjoy other guys company...have self confidence and move on..sometimes they come around..(they always want what they can't have)..
sounds childish..but,'s kinda the way till you find a real mature guy that will just love you for you..

You are a beautiful, awesome girl..if he isn't slobbering atyour door..he doesn't deserve to be even in your same space. love you!

Tori said...

Haha thank you!!! :D and yeah, i have moved on...if something happens, it happens. I guess a part of me will always be waiting. Im waaaay more focused on school work! Haha and OMG I WISH YOU WERE IN CHOIR THIS SEMESTER!!! WE HAVE THE POSSIBILITY OF MAYBE GOING TO PERFORM IN CARNEGIE HALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!