Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Needs a break.

Over the break, I have decided I am going to cleanse my mind and start over and think everything out very thoroughly. Lately, I have been jumping at every opportunity. I want to clean the skeletons out of my closet and burn them forever. I am going to get my life together and do some serious thinking before I jump at every opportunity and get myself involved in a lot of things I shouldnt really get involved in yet until my life is in order. I had a card reading the other day from one of my friends and my reading mainly talked about something bad that is going to come into my life soon that will effect everything from then on and it will change the way I see everything. Apparently I will thank it later on for what happen. In a way it makes me worry about what is going to happen in the future but then again it makes me keep my eyes open to what is to come.

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